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Want to Learn English Anywhere, Anytime on Your Mobile and For FREE?

Get the free iPhone & iPad app → Get the free Android app → https://tin ...View More

Want to Learn English Anywhere, Anytime on Your Mobile and For FREE?

Get the free iPhone & iPad app → Get the free Android app → https://tin ...View More

Learn English with STEVE JOBS — REVEALING the iPhone for the FIRST TIME

Today, you'll learn English pronunciation and vocabulary with Steve Jobs presenting the first true s ...View More

Want to Learn English Anywhere, Anytime on Your Mobile and For FREE?

Get the free iPhone & iPad app → Get the free Android app → https://tin ...View More

Want to Learn English Anywhere, Anytime on Your Mobile and For FREE?

Get the free iPhone & iPad app → Get the free Android app → https://tin ...View More

Great design goes beyond empathy | Akshara Dash | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewan

After recently purchasing her first iPhone, Akshara Dash was delighted to see that Apple's built-in  ...View More

Want to Learn English Anywhere, Anytime on Your Mobile and For FREE?

Get the free iPhone & iPad app → Get the free Android app → https://tin ...View More

Want to Learn English Anywhere, Anytime on Your Mobile and For FREE?

Get the free iPhone & iPad app → Get the free Android app → https://tin ...View More

Why a sausage can do what your gloves cannot - Charles Wallace and Sajan Saini

Dig into the science of touchscreens, and find out the difference between the two most common types: ...View More

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